Friday, September 28, 2012

School Event (Hari Raya Part2)

At after noon, it time to crash some of the department course building (Open Courses), Hehe. The event continues after the event (performance) at MKJB hall in the morning.

The band played a little opening event performance with Raya songs for the colleagues and the stuffs who came at MRE new buildings first.

My friend colleagues and senior pictures before we went to the other open courses.

after that, went to MME Department Course

at PLE Department Course

at CS Department Course

and Lastly at BSE Department Course

since that we were tired, waiting to go home/hostel, we were back to our new department buildings take rest for few minutes, after that have to tidy and clean up the place.

The End of the Event

School Event (Hari Raya Part1)

On 19th September the school celebrate The Hari Raya event with the visitors Singaporean Students within the themes of Arabic Style.

They are some of pictures performance from the all department course that i would like to share it.

Course ICE 


The best performance from Course BSE  

My Course MRE 

Course CS and CE

Course PLE

and winner of performance from Course MME (DIP1 and ND2)

Junior Intake 2011 and New Intake 2012 performance

Senior performance

with the closing of the event, shake hand with all department stuff, before that they are some of announcer for the winners of the best outfit in the themes of Arabic styles, performance and open course. One of them, same department but different groups win the male colleague best outfit in all department, Mizzy.