Monday, December 3, 2012


THERE was no doubt who were the best team at the 3rd Athletics Championships between Technical and Vocational Institutes on 28th & 29th November at the Balapan Track and Field at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Sports Complex in Berakas.

The Sultan Bolkiah Vocational School (SVSB) were crowned champions after amassing a total of 332 points, almost 100 more than second placed Nakhoda Ragam Vocational School (SVNR) with 239 points.

Seven Institutes competed in the event, with Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College (MTSSR) finishing third with 220 points.

Jefri Bolkiah Engineering College (MKJB) placed fourth with 179 points followed by Wasan Vocational School (SVW) with 126 points, Business School with 99 points and Mechanic Training Centre (PLM) with 68 points.

-Brunei Time-

Majlis Takzirah Sambutan Awal Tahun Baru 1434 Hijrah & Meraikan Saudara Baru MKJB

On 24th November, we had a function at 'Masjid RPN Kg Pandan' of celebrating the New Year of Hijrah, 1434 and also welcoming a new sister in the Muslim citizen of Brunei.


Plagiarism is using someone else's words and ideas in a paper and acting as though they were your own. This definition includes copying someone else's ideas, graphs, pictures, or anything that you borrow without giving credit to the originator of the words and ideas. It definitely includes anything you download from an internet site or copy out of a book, a newspaper, or a magazine. It also includes stealing the ideas of the another person without giving her or him proper credit.

Some obvious examples of plagiarism include; copying someone else's paper, taking short or long quatations from a source without identifying the source and turning in a paper you bought over the internet.

Some less-obvious examples include; changing a few words around from a book or article and pretending those words are your own, rearranging the order of the ideas in a list and making the reader think you produced the list, borrowing ideas from a source and not giving proper credit to the source, turning in a paper from another class (whether this is plagiarism or not depends on your instructor-asks first!), using information from an interview or an online chat or email, etc, without properly citing the source of the information and using words that were quoted in one source and acting and citing the original source as thought you read it yourself.

It important to acknowledge because to know your credibility as a writer. You need to make your own sentence with your own sentence with your understanding. When you are taking other ideas that's meant you do not believe yourself that can do better

We have to know that plagiarism is a wrong way to do your works. You only can make others work as your reference. Their works cam make you understanding what the process take place.

Tajuk 4 - Bendera

Melayu Islam Beraja, memandangkan dalam kelas MIB terlalu ramai kejuruteraan 'marine engineering' dari kelas A,B dan C, kami diberi tugasan masing-masing sama-ada persendirian dan berkumpulan mengikut tajuk-tajuk yang akan diberikan. Minggu lepas saya diberi tugasan tajuk 4 iaitu bendera dari segi persendirian. Tugasan saya diberikan, untuk mencari pengenalan, peranan, bendera peribadi pembesar-pembesar, bendera pakaian beseragam, bendera masjid and kesimpulan. - di sini ada sedikit banyak maklumat-maklumat mengenai bendera-bendera yang disebutkan di atas.

Process and Procedure - Married Joint

Language and Communication presentation, myself and my partner, Muim were choose one of the topic the basic learned that is married joint and make minimum 10 points of the process and then, make the process to the procedure. Since that my partner is new intake and he don't no how the married joint was joined, so i explained him on preparation with my experience during PND lessons on the Electrical Workshop. Since that i don't have many points on the process, so i research some points from the internet that i haven't done anything with it.

A process is NOT the same thing as the procedure. A process is also NOT a high-level flowchart, lifecycle standard and tool.

A process is defines 'What ' needs to be done and which roles are involved. And a procedure defines 'How' to do the task and usually only applies to a single role. - Here the link of the information. If we have done anything wrong on the lesson, so please comments it if the process are haven't used anymore.

Re-catch for the last updated

Since that last month,  there was busy time for me to update my ongoing blog assignment because of preparation two week phase test 1 exams and a week the resit test exams for those who got below half marks during the first attempt, since there is no more KIV (between 40-50%) on this year because of the system of SPN21. And there are also have problems which is no need for me to explain because there is no one who can believe it, right? So i try to catch it up on this month without regretful.